Wednesday, September 5, 2012

About Disease

A disorder of structure or function in a human esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury

A symptom is a warning signal, like a beeping alarm, that something is wrong in the Body.
Drugs stop the alarm but not the cause of the alarm.  The cause of the alarm, the disease is what triggered the alarm. 

Nutrients don't cure diseases, they give the body the nutrients it needs to function at its optimum level, i.e. the nutrients give the immune system what it needs to fight off diseases.

Some alarming stats
• 1 in 100 will suffer from ... before the age of 30

10 Causes of Diseases
•  Body not having enough nutrients to work effectively, eg the immune system not having enough supplies to fight invaders.
• Pathogens in the air
•  Stress
What the Bible has to say about this;
Mat 24:
• Prayer
" .. to overcome this things that must happen, you must Pray ..." Mat 24:

...Natural Remedies for Diseases...
All Natural Remedies

Natrual PMS Relief 
Rickets (deficiency; Vitamin D)

 Mental Health
• Anxiety
Bipolar Disorder 
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

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