Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fast for Financial Wealth (The Experience)

"Since my Ministry Fast in Nov 2010, my life had not been the same, things were changing, progressively fast. Incredible things were happening, and continue to happen. I believe the effects of a fast are for a lifetime. They impact the moment, the future and even extend to generations. It becomes a generational blessings for your line.

With God beginning to transform my life in all its other areas, my Financial life was no exception and truly one of the most critical. Although there was progress in my finances, i still felt strongholds, holding me back and limiting me from fully experiencing financial freedom.

I had witnessed the power of fasting, and new that if i applied this principle to this specific area of my life, it surely would be as mighty to pulling down strongholds as i had witnessed it do for my life, overally.

Consequently, i was inspired to create the Fast for Financial Wealth Corporate Fast.  If each year, we could dedicate our Financial goals to Gods Will & Blessings, with encouragement, support and the power of agreement, finances would no longer limit us in achieving our purpose.

As i also came into revelation to the 100 fold blessing principle, a principle that says, combine Fasting with Prayer and Giving and you receive 100 fold blessing, meaning the blessings truly just multiply on themselves, in money, in opportunity, in resources, the list goes on.

We decided to incorporate giving this into the Fast for Financial Wealth.  God advises that if we give, we receive. So the secret to financial success truly is giving.  As we were seeking Financial breakthroughs, we would give in finances, 50% of our average monthly income. Personal & Corporate results continue to be astounding!!!" Founder & CEO, NicaKan, LACI Ministry

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