Thursday, August 9, 2012

How to make it through Fasting

1. Constant Praying for God's Grace to endure
2. Calling out to God during Temptations
3. Overcoming Temptations by Speaking out Scriptures in Faith
4. Each day, anointed my face & head with Oil. 
5. Dedicating Prior Fasts to Enduring through the 21 Day Fast
6. Holding onto being Accountable to my Peers 
7. Focusing on my Reasons for Fasting
8. Keeping myself destructed, keeping busy
9. When i just couldn't focus anymore & just thought of food, food, food, i would sleep time away
10. 10 Things to do when you get hungry
Constant Praying for God's Grace to endure

Calling out to God during Temptations
Do your best to remain positive & focus on God, for no temptation will come to you that he hasn't allowed. He has allowed it for a reason, so seek God for the answers & not focus on the enemy.

Overcoming Temptations by Speaking out Scriptures in Faith
I didn't know much of the word,but i knew the scriptures; "Man shall not live by bread alone " & i quoted & quoted & quoted that scripture every time i got tempted, which was pretty much every minute, so i would literally sing that scripture.

Each day, anointed my face & head with Oil. 
I had this belief that anointed oil covered me & protected me from the Devil & his temptations.  I kept remembering the scripture; "Touch not my anointed".

Dedicating Prior Fasts to Enduring through the 21 Day Fast
I dedicated a 3 day Fast & some 1 Day Fasts to enduring over the 21 day Fast in October & November before the fast.

Holding onto being Accountable to my Peers

Focusing on my Reasons for Fasting
This fast was dedicated to seeking God's Will & Covering over my 2011 Goals.  Of course, you get a whole lot more than that when you fast. Things that you may not see, things that are yet to come, things that happen for my family & loved ones & breakthroughs from others in the corporate fast.
However, sometimes my reason for fasting wasn't enough to keep me going. I thought i was punishing myself at times, at times i wasn't even confident fasting worked. Although i had fasted before, i hadn't quite seen "tangible" results, so i would convince myself, in reality my flesh was influencing me & tempting me.
Because it wasn't that "Million Dollars" i had been fasting for in my previous fasts, i thought it wasn't working. I still struggled with prayer, i.e. my prayer routine wasn't as perfect as i wanted it (being a perfectionist & all :) ), i couldn't see progress.So at times it was hard to keep going, i was running low on faith.
The truth was God had already began doing far more powerful work in me. I knew things had been changing in me, although i didn't quite want to admit it then. My Spirit was growing, despite the struggles.  I had already been experiencing Powerful mindset shifts in all the areas of my life. I was becoming conscious, there was deprogramming of worldly conditioning.

Keeping myself destructed, keeping busy
I had a fantastic working discipline working from home (something i had fasted over when i first stared my business), so i occupied myself with work. It was also fab because i had just had my Calling revealed in November so i had so much Ministry work to do.
I read the bible, listened to some audios & watched some spiritual movies & documentaries but as much as i wanted to. Spiritual information often had me mediating, taking notes & sometimes my mind was just saturated with thoughts of Food, i wasn't with it.
Sometimes i just didn't feel like meditating, i just wanted destruction. The YouTube Cooking videos kept me busy, i cant tell you how many recipes i learnt to make in those weeks :). I learnt o make International cuisines, from Pad Thai Dishes, to Sushi, to Asian, you name it!
I also destructed myself with watching Secular movies. A movies bought me 2hrs.  I didn't like it though, as i had been revealed about the entertainment Industry & its connection to Occult (that;s an article for another day, lol). I would have preferred to watch something Spiritual but sometimes i just wanted destruction & i just wanted to make 21 Days.
At that time to, i was struggling with my faith & seeking God over Spiritual growth & strength, (i suppose one of the reasons he blessed with his grace over this fast). It would have been such a powerful time to pray, read the word & mediate as my spirit would have been so sensitive.
But honestly, sometimes i didn't feel like. I figured, i will do whatever it takes to get past this 21 Days (even some stuff i didn't quite think was spiritual, i.e. watching Secular movie) and if i finish this fast, all these bonds & conditioning to the Secular world, WILL be broken, & i was right :) :).

When i just couldn't focus anymore & just thought of food, food, food, i would sleep time away
 Working from home during this time was nothing short of a blessing. I altered my schedule when i wanted to & kept it mostly clear.  Whenever i needed to, i would sleep. Which was great, because it bought me so much time. I would wake up and it would be tomorrow.
And you do sleep a lot when you are fasting. The body needs to conserve as much energy as possible during this time.  However, after the fast, this ended up altering my sleep patterns for a while, but i did readjust.

• 10 Things to do when you start getting hungry
Meditate Over Word
Keep Busy (with work & Ministry projects)
Study & Write Notes on a Bible Chapter to teach
Listen to Audios; intercession-holy-spirit-audio-mp3/html/prayer-fasting-holy-spirit-pt1.html
Watch Spiritual Documentaries
• Read Spiritual Books
• Sleep
• Call a Peer
• Focus on your Fasting Reasons Why
• Read & Envision Goals
• Work on a hobby i.e. – creating, designing, drawing, take a walk, etc
• Take a Long Walk 
Read more about Ministry Fast Experiences

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