Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fast for Financial Wealth (Testimonies)

"I by far exceeded my Income goals. After 14 Days in this Fast, i doubled my income and now am making significant progress in increasing my income by another 50%." NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"Its been a year, and God has TOTALLY transformed my financial mindset, i view money differently.  From the type of goals i set around money, to how i handle it. I`m creating more ways to increase my income, understanding why saving is important, understanding the need to invest and doing it. Step by step, I`m climbing out of the hole i had dug myself into. " NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"I have got it now, financial breakthroughs can ONLY come from giving!" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"My income was so low, it barely met my expenses, and in order to meet these basic expenses, i got into debt to try and make it work. I struggled to make my bill payments, i compromised the things i enjoyed doing, social time with friends, holidays, i *binged when i had money, frustrated that i never had some for myself. " NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"Of course i wanted to start my own business, but with what, when i could barely make my bills. " NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

" As a result of the Fast, God opened miraculous doors of opportunity and by his grace, i took them." NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"I was constantly stressed in the fear that if i lost my job, what would i do, i absolutely had $0 savings, and yet somehow i still never prioritised savings. These financial troubles, constantly triggered moments of deep depression and and the hole went on, deeper and deeper, darker and darker." NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"I begun setting quality goals, my 2012 goals included, Contribute 15%, Save 10%, Invest 10%, Increase income by 100%, and write article on why Saving is important." NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"I now operate around a new financial mindset, empowering beliefs and clear goals.
• I believe first things first is to contribute, God Blesses us so we can bless other
• My capacity to earn, hold, & grow my money, grows day by day
• I am an excellent money manager
• I believe money is important & makes life more enjoyable
And i am making significant progress towards these new beliefs;
• I get rich doing what i love
• I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle
• I am financially free, i work because i chose to not because i have to" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth, 2011

"Saints, God doesn't just put a band aid on the wound, he heals it from the root cause. I believe good people should make more money because they can do more good things with it.  Finances impact our lives in more ways than one. I really pray you will have faith in God through this financial journey he is about to take you that will change the rest of your life, forever!" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth Inspirer

View, Fast for Financial Wealth
See,  Corporate Fasting Testimonies

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