Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Ministry Fast (The Experience)

Day 20 of The 21 Days & 21 Nights Ministry Fast
 • See The Ministry Fast

...About My Ministry Fast...
It's April 2011, 3 months later and i finally came round to writing the Summary for the Fast.  What can i say, Been Busy, with God opening doors & working in & through me :) :) :).

What an experience and ONLY by God's Grace did i successfully make 21 days and nights with no food but just water. And honestly sometimes i still can't quite believe i actually did it. I gave up on Day 2 & i know without a doubt, God carried me through from that moment.

I remember badly craving Cheesie Chips on that day, Saying i can't do this, this is ridiculous, what am i doing to myself? Why am punishing myself? This stuff doesn't work, but interestingly enough, i absolutely had no money that day (poor money management, old habits, God has changed all that now :) ).

I down played the magnitude of this achievement and would say, it's just food. But as I see the power food has on us, i  can only admire God's power. 21 Days without food is not easy, the other day, i could even finish a 1 day fast.

Honestly, i would never do a 21 Day Fast for weight loss.  However, i would do it again & again for the Spiritual benefits. I am grateful for his Grace in allowing me to be willing to play my part.  It is an outstanding Accomplishment and one which i am very proud of myself to have achieved:). 

Seeing what God is doing in and through me. I am excited to be doing 30 day fast in June (Stay connected at the L.A.C.I.  Ministry Blog for more information on this).

...Why i decided to share this article...
Jesus told us not to parade our Fasts. Initially i had even coded it 21DF (21 Day Fast) in hopes of not parading it but i am glad to share this experience to encourage others & to show it's possible (by Gods Grace) & to document the Power of Fasting. One of my mentors completed a 40 Day Dry Fast (40 days & nights without food, only water) twice!

I decided to share this blog to acknowledge, to honor & to glorify the Power of God as i saw how it was only because of him, that i succeeded. I also shared this Blog so that others might find it useful as they embark on their Fasts.

I did have phenomenal supportive mentors around me, but sometimes my questions couldn't always be answered. I would have loved someone to tell me that, hey, that's part of the process, on those days i thought i was going crazy.

I would have loved someone to tell me what to expect on Day 16. I would have wanted to know & be prepared. And sometimes i feel not having that certainty (and especially for people with personalities like mine), could have been a determining factor if i chose to give up or not.

One day i was going crazy with temptations, i just needed to know it was normal. I googled articles on 21 Day Fasting, expectations, experiences etc and didn't find satisfactory blogs documenting a 21 Day Fast. To be honest there probably are great articles on this, perhaps a detailed research would have brought me something, but what can i say, i was not in a researching mood, i was Hungry, lol :) :).

They are also great books on fasting, which i should have read up front, (& still haven't read). I have listed a few at L.A.C.I.'S article, What you need to know to GET STARTED ON FASTING. However,  I don't know if they document a day to day of what to expect. When i do read them i will be sure to add useful information to the Article.

I would greatly encourage you to Fast. I did the 21 Day Fast about a year after i had got saved. I was struggling with my walk with God, i was pumped by the faith i saw in others but didn't have my own faith in God. I was eager to make my relationship work with God.  I wanted results in my life, i would do anything.

This had also been the reason i had got saved in the first place. I came from the Self Help Background. Passionately driven by a deep desire to get results & success in my life. However, i had soon realised that i couldn't do it by myself. I couldn't do it without God.

2010, Last year, i was seeing amazing things happening to me & in my life. Yes, it was the year i got saved but i had this strong belief that a lot of my successes that year had been attributed to the Boot camp Fast my Best Friend & Mentor Lee had did the year before (2009). And he had included me & my 2010 year goals in his prayers during that time.

So, i was already open to fasting such that when i met one of my other Mentors, he was God sent. He always talked about the power of fasting with so much passion, i was inspired.  He shared his experiences & testimonies of what fasting had done for him, particularly how it had broken the stronghold on his Drinking Addiction. He highly recommended fasting, & God had used him to write a book on Fasting (Hearing from God, a phenomenal book by the way).  So, he was such a source of guidance and support in my initial walk with fasting.

...10 Reasons i made it through 21 Days and 21 Nights...
1. Constant Praying for God's Grace to endure
2. Calling out to God during Temptations
3. Overcoming Temptations by Speaking out Scriptures in Faith
4. Each day, anointed my face & head with Oil. 
5. Dedicating Prior Fasts to Enduring through the 21 Day Fast
6. Holding onto being Accountable to my Peers 
7. Focusing on my Reasons for Fasting
8. Keeping myself destructed, keeping busy
9. When i just couldn't focus anymore & just thought of food, food, food, i would sleep time away
10. 10 Things to i did when i got hungry 
Read more

...10 Things that happened after the Fast...
1. Didn't break my fast correctly, minor stomach pains Day 21 at 1am, i was eating. I ate so much even though i was full. I already knew this upfront, but i just did it because i had missed food so much. It is critical that a fast is broken correctly, read article, How to break a fast
2. Sleep pattern affected

...21 Immediate Results...
I say immediate, because the effects of fasting are a generational blessings.
1. Brain Clarity 
2. Ministry alignment
3. Potential negative Consequences turning into Blessings
4. Doors Opening (Fort Mc Financial Breakthrough Opportunity;)
5. Lost 20 pounds
6. Skin Complexion improved
7. Looked and felt sooooo good
8. Inspired to write Article What you need to know to GET STARTED ON FASTING

NicaKan, Paradigm Shifter, Ministry Fast 2010

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