Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Organising and Executing a Volunteer Project (Phase 1 Progress Update)

*Please see below a sample email from the Ghana Project


Hope this email finds you well, you are receiving this update because you indicated that you would like to be a part of ,or receive additional information, regarding the “Ghana Playground Project”. ***Please make sure you indicate whether you are still interested or would no longer like to receive info, by replying as such to this email.***

This project will build a playground (s) for the children of the Anyirawese LA Primary School in the Volta Region of Ghana. This all volunteer effort is being supported by Let Them Be Kids with additional expertise from the international organization Kids Around the World.

In December, an organizing group was formed by individuals in Fort McMurray AB and beyond; meetings have been held, research has been done and decisions have been made...we are proud to announce that a frame work for the effort has been established! This email will bring you up to speed on that framework as well as the basics of the trips timelines, costs and other details. This information will help you know and understand; the why’s, when’s, what’s and how’s (not all the how’s, as some are still being worked out, but the most important are in place) of the endeavor.


For any effort to be successful there must be clearly established outcomes. “Well, isn’t the outcome to bring the joy of play to kids?” Yes, however, there is also additional opportunities to impact and we want to make sure we make maximum impact. Thanks to the efforts of Ross Mayer and others, the outcomes for this project are in draft form and being finalized on the morning of Tuesday the 26th of Feb. You can take a look at the draft by going to the Ghana project “information archive” web page (I will explain that page in the communication section of this email). These outcomes will act at the “light house” for the project and ensure that we have measurable impacts.

The project dates are Aug 10th-25th and we will be in Country from the 11th-24th. The basics of the schedule are on the same web page as above. Of course this is a high level schedule and more detail to it will be added as we get closer, we hope to have it finalized by May 1st.

The group will be installing playground equipment at the school, see the attached for what it will look like (as well as other play equipment not pictured). There may be additional work done as we determine additional need and skill sets that are confirmed going. Thanks to Kyle Alcock, the equipment will leave from Paris ON, on or around the 1st of April and should arrive on the dock in Ghana about 60 days later, clear customs and be transported to the school waiting for us, long before our arrival.

The Logistical team headed up by Lana Sweeney, has done a great job and they have determined the cost per person for the airfare, all hotel, food, and in country transportation is $4250(this is an estimate). All these monies go directly to underwrite the specific cost mentioned above and nothing else. The shipping cost of the equipment is being underwritten.

There are hard and fast deadlines that must be met to participate in the project and they are as follows:
1. May 6th (90 days out) we will need confirmation of who is going-this will be in the form of submitting your name and $250 airline deposit paid to the air carrier
2. June 21st (45 days out) balance of the airfare must be paid-approx. $2000
3. July 5th (30 days out) balance of the cost per person appox. $2000
All monies will be deposited through our volunteer accountant Aqeel Ahmad- the process and protocol is discussed below.

Each individual is responsible for there own expenses and no person will be allowed on the trip without meeting the above timelines and deadlines. We are providing tools for each person to be able to fund raising for the effort. We are providing the following:

Fund raising training (on the archive web page)  “information archive” web page
• Fund raising templates and ideas
The ability to issue a charitable receipt through a local partner in Fort McMurray (we hope to be able to announce this partner by the week of March 18th). We feel that since the majority of the people going are from the Fort McMurray and surrounding area it would only make sense that the monies stay ,and are accounted for, locally. 
Accounting all monies 
A “trip account” will be established for each individual that has indicated that they would like to go, participants will deposits monies with the accountant (protocol to follow) and then each month get a statement via email starting in April 
Working together to raise fund is strongly encouraged, the organizing of events and the splitting of the fund raised will be up to participants of those activities with the guidance and in consultation with our volunteer accountant. Obviously no charitable receipts will be given for monies collected from events that are not pre-established with said accountant.

If you know of others that would like to participate please have them follow the steps below:
1. Fill out the Ghana project online interest form
2. Fill out the Ghana project skills survey
Taking these two steps will place the person on the official “team” list and will begin the process of them being a part of the project

We have a created a full and comprehensive two way communication strategy for the project which includes the following:
1. Instant communication-we have established a “private group face book page” if you would be a part contact Sarah Wilm who is responsible for administering the page click here to be a part of the FB page.
2. Past info-we have established a “Ghana project archive info” web page. Click here to go to that page. On this page you will find training info for fund raising, meeting notes and recordings and as we move through the project much more.
3. Email Updates-Every three weeks the organizing committee is meeting to continue to move the project forward to its goals. We will be sending out an email update within 72 hours of the meeting so that you stay informed.
We believe that the above is a fairly robust communication plan to keep everyone “in the loop” .
The administration committee of; Jana Nehring, Lana Sweeny and Nica Kan have worked very hard to put the “back end” infrastructure in place and we thank them!

Additional information such a visa requirements, vaccinations needed and so on as well as Ghana specific info to help you prepare to go to this wonderful Country will be forthcoming shortly so that you are fully informed and equipped, so stay tuned!

We are planning a meet and greet event on the evening of March 26th at 7:30pm...please stay tuned for more details coming soon!

Well, that is all for now, I wish to thank those on the organizing committee for their hard work and effort to move things to where they are today and to all of you for your efforts to enhance the lives of the children of Ghana...Ian``


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