Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fast for Financial Wealth (The Daily Experience)

Do Daily
Make the time to start your day with Prayer. Prayer is the food that WILL sustain you through the fast

• Keep your financial goals in range, printed if necessary & pictures help if you are visual. Reach for them as often as you can, to keep you focused on the reasons for the fast. Feed yourself on them even before you get hungry.
• Pray and discuss financial goals with accountable shifter
• Substitute meal times with prayer
• Stay hydrated; substitute meals with water
• Keep busy, idle time makes time go slower & food temptations are lingering, looking for an opportunity.
• Do your best to remain positive & focus on God, for no temptation will come to you that he hasn't allowed. He has allowed it for a reason, so seek God for the answers & not focus on the enemy.
See, How to make it through a fast

Day 1
Today, seek God to reveal why he has called you to this fast & pray for his grace so you can endure.
"Keep on asking and it will be given. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened (Mat 7:7)

The day usually goes by quickly, especially if you are keeping busy, as you are still motivated & excited & not yet too hungry.  Light hunger pangs might kick in the late afternoon.
Please, don't get to busy to pray to start your day & during meal times. That's your food and it will sustain you through the day.
See, What to expect through a fast

Day 2
Today, dedicate to seeking God to transform your financial mindset, according to his will & purpose for your life.
"Do not be copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (Rom 12:2)

"Lord, please let me not copy the financial behaviors & habits of the world, but transform my finances anew by changing the way i think about money. So i can know how & what way to use my money for your will and for what is pleasing & perfect to you." NicaKan, Fast for Wealth Shifter, 2012

"Fasting can bring lows where one finds a negative to feel discouraged. Ignore those negative voices and focus on the big picture: God's will for your life and through your life." Eric Gondwe, author of All Fasting Secrets (download free copy of book here).

The day can be a bit challenging with hunger pangs starting to kick in, irritable, feeling low & discourages, that's all normal, overcome it by focusing on your goals. Headaches & dizziness is also common as your body detoxes.

Today is also Contribution Day
If you seeking God for the 100 fold blessing in this fast, Contribute financially to a cause on your heart.
"Give & the Lord will repay you"
If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord - and He will repay you! (Prov 19:17)
Read more about the 100 fold blessing & 7 reasons why giving will set you financially free

Day 3
Dedicate today to seeking God's will & blessings over your Financial Goals
Write down & print your Financial Goals
Is generally the hardest day as it is the weakest. Plan a light schedule for this day. Some sleep more & others struggle with sleeping. Still try to stay busy with sermons. Here's a great link for Christian sermons
"Had many food temptations too & struggled to sleep. Talking & praying with a shifter definately helped me make it through" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth Shifter

Day 4
Dedicate today to to seeking God's will & blessings for your financial income goals
Not as weak as day 3 but do take it lightly. Conserve as much energy as you can.
"I managed to clean my home for 4 hours, resting occasionally, and later went to church. Has some pain in my legs as i might have stood & walked more than my energy could handle." NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth Shifter

Day 5
Dedicate today to seeking God's will & blessings for your financial expenses goals
Generally weak but can do days work
"A lot more energised in the morning than in the evenings, Restless night, tired of drinking water, light hunger pangs in the evening" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth Shifter

Day 6
Dedicate today to seeking God's will & blessing for 100 fold blessings on your investment & saving goals
Generally weak but can do days work
"Cloudy morning, low on energy, irritable. Afternoon didn't get better, got weaker and nausea. Suspect felt more worse as i caught a cold infection. Managed to do grocery, bought lots of fruits :), excited to break fast with fruit porridge" NicaKan, Fast for Financial Wealth Shifter

Day 7
End the fast with dedicating this day to seeking God's will & blessings over your desired financial lifestyle.
What would you like your finances to look like?
Generally weak but can do days work

*View Fast for Financial Wealth Personal Experiences

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