Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Year Goals, 2014

• Create your Goals; Lacis Goal Management System
* See Progress Report, 2014

...2014 Goals Listed...
This year i have set 50 Year Goals, 15 of which are Must Goals; 20 Laci Goals, 10 Ministry Goals, and 20 Habit Goals.

Laci Goals
*1. (RM, Marriage) Met, Built friendship & Got Engaged to my Ideal Husband 
*2. (HM, Body, Body Systems) Reached and maintained ideal body weight (55kgs). (Burn off excess 20kgs of fat)
*3. (HM, Envirinment) Moved Home, Kelowna
4. (FM, Liabilities) Rented Town Home, Signed Lease, Aug 01 2014
*5. (FM, Expenses) Debt, Cleared all debt, $x
6. (CD, Education) Life Management, Spirituality, Certificate, Theology
*7. (CD, Education) Ministry Business, phD Teaching, Certificate, Life Coach
8. (CD, Education) Ministry Business, phD Teaching, Certificate, Life Skills
*9. (CD, Education) Ministry Business, phD Business Admin, Certificate, Business Management 
10. (CD, Eduction) Ministry Business, phD Business Admin, Certificate, Community Leadership, Leadership Wood Buffalo

Business Ministry Goals  
1. (BM, LACIM) Management, Managed 8 Companies, 8 Company Reports 
2. (BM, LACIM) Management, Created LACI Ministry's Management System
3. (BM, LACIM) Management, Hired +3 Admins (Laci Ministry, Laci Club & Events, and VHE Health Store)
4. (BM, LACIM) Added Value, +80 Lives, +10 Lives per Company
5. (BM, LACIM) Make Money, Ebidta,  +$4000K, +$500 per Company
*6. (BM, LGS) Signed Contract, Business Coordination (Devon Oil Sands, City of Kelowna Community Development Project, Okanagan College or UBCO)
7. (BM, LACI Software) Launched LACI Software, 10 Trackers, 100 Apps

Habit Goals
1. (LM) Presented Progress Report, 2014 (incl. +10 Reports & Legacy Movie)
2. (LM) Created Legacy Movie, 2013  
3. (LM) Created & Activated Life Management System, 13 Trackers (*The Goals Tracker, The Relationship Tracker - Connector)
4. (P) Created blueprint goals, Purpose (Purpose as; Woman, Wife, Mommy, Teacher & Business Leader) 
5. (P, g) Achieved 5 Must Goals, Habitized 5 Must Habits
6. (PH) Mastered Meditation Hour
*7. (PH sh) Mastered Daily Prayer, +1 per day
8. (PH sh) Mastered Daily Reading Word & Meditation
9. (PH sh) Mastered Fasting, 1 day per Wk (Sundays)
10. (PH sh) Fasting, +100 days per year
11. (S,c) Mastered Character; Love & Patience (Delayed gratification)
12. (R) Created Relationship Tracker, *The Relationship Connector
13. (PH, b-bs) Achieved Hair Health (10 inches, Soft, Strong, etc)
14. (PH, e) Mastered Emotional Mastery 
15. (PH bn) Mastered Daily Energy & Nutrients, 1200 calories (bf 100c, b 200c, ms 50c, l 400c, as 50c, d 400c), & 4+9+24 Nutrients ( 4WB, 6C, 2P, 1F, VW (6f, 6v, 4ht, 2i, 6hsNS)
*16. (PH, be) Mastered Daily Exercise (+30 mins at 75bpm)
*17. (PH, br) Mastered Sleep, 8H (10am - 6am) 
18. (PH, bpc) Mastered Sleepwear  
19. (PH, mh) ?
20. (PH, eh) Top 3 Daily Emotions; Hope, Laughter
21. (PH, e-hms, hc) Mastered Home Cleaning, Daily Evening Dishes
22. (PH, e-hms,hc) Mastered Home Cleaning, Weekly Bathroom
23. (PH, e-hms,hc) Mastered Home Cleaning; Weekly Home Office, *Filing
24. (PH, e-hms,cl) Mastered Laundry Cleaning, Mthly Handwash
*25. (PH, e-hms,wm) Mastered Wk Meals; Pack Meals
26. (PH, e-hms,wm) Mastered Wk Meals; Prepare Meals
27. (TM,s) Mastered Dawn Routine, DS (Health Management - Activate Day Energy)  
28. (C) Activated The Fort McMurray African Association, +10 Members
29. (F) Networth, +$0 (Assets +$0, Liabilities +$0)
30. (F, inc) Income, +$x/yr 
31. (CD, exp) Mommy Experience, 1 Year Babysitting (@ 2hrs per month)

...Vision Movie, 2014...
 Coming Soon!

...Life Goals...
1. (LM) Presented Progress Report, 2014 (incl. +10 Reports & Legacy Movie)
2. (LM) Created Legacy Movie, 2013
3. (LM) Created & Activated Life Management System, 13 Trackers (*The Goals Tracker, The Relationship Tracker - Connector)

...Purpose Goals & Habits...
1. (PM, Goals) Achieved 5 Must Goals, Habitized 5 Must Habits
2. (PM) Created blueprint goals, Purpose (Purpose as; Woman, Wife, Mommy, Teacher & Business Leader) 

...Spiritual Goals & Habits...
1. (SM, Character) Mastered Character; Love & Patience (Delayed gratification)

...Relationship Goals & Habits...
*1. (RM, Marriage) Met, Built Friendship & Got Engaged to my Ideal Husband
• Met, Built Friendship & Got Engaged to My Ideal Husband
...Health Goals & Habits...
*1. (HM, Body, Body Systems) Reached and maintained ideal body weight (55kgs). (Burn off excess 20kgs of fat)
2. (HM, Body, Body Systems) Achieved Hair Health (10 inches, Soft, Strong, etc)
3. (HM, Emotions) Mastered Emotional Mastery 
*4. (HM, Environment) Moved City, Kelowna 
• Reached and Maintained Ideal Healthy Body Weight, 55kgs (Used up excess fat, 25kgs)
use up 500k * 7day = 35ookals/wk = 1pound/wk = 0.5kgs/wk = 2kgs/wk / 25kgs = 12months = eta 2014, Dec Wk 4

Actions Items
• Habit; Daily calorie intake, -300k (1400k)

• Habit; Daily workout burn, 200k

• Renewed Mindset; See Article, Basics on Weight Loss.
• Mthly Weight Measure, (80Kgs), 2013
• Burnt of Excess Fat (15kgs), 2013
• Burnt of Excess Fat (10kgs), 2014

Link Coming Soon
Moved City, Kelowna
 ...Time Management Goals...
1. (TM,s) Mastered Dawn Routine, DS (Health Management - Activate Day Energy)  
• Mastered Dawn Routine
...Contribution Goals & Habits...
1. (CDM) Activated The Fort McMurray African Association, +10 Members

...Financial Wealth Goals & Habits...
1. (FM) Networth, +$0 (Assets +$0, Liabilities +$0)
2. (FM, Income) Income, +$x/yr
3. (FM, Liabilities) Rented Town Home, Signed Lease Aug 01 2014
*4. (FM, Expenses) Debt, Cleared all debt, $x
• Liabilities, Rented Suburban Townhome, Signed Lease, Aug 01 2014
Cleared All Debt ($x)
...Calling Development Goals...
1. (CD, Exp) Mommy Experience, 1 Year Babysitting (@ 2hrs per month)
2. (CD, Edu) Virtuous Woman, Spirituality, Certificate, Theology
*3. (CD, Edu) phD Teaching, Certificate, Life Coach
4. (CD, Edu) phD Teaching, Certificate, Life Skills
5. (CD, Edu) phD Business Admin, Certificate, Community Leadership, Leadership Wood Buffalo
*6. (CD, Edu) phD Business Admin, Certificate, Business Management 

...Ministry Goals & Habits...
1. (BM, L) Launched +20 Products (VHE Health Store, & Laci Software, 15 Trackers)
2. (BM, M) Managed 8 Companies, 8 Company Reports
*3. (BM, M) Created LACI Ministry's Management System
4. (BM, AV) Added Value to +80 Lives, +10 Lives per Company
5. (BM, MM) Ebidta +$4000K, +$500 per Company

...The 20 Habits Goals...
1. (PH) Mastered Meditation Hour
*2. (PH sh) Mastered Daily Prayer, +1 per day
3. (PH sh) Mastered Daily Reading Word & Meditation
4. (PH sh) Mastered Fasting, 1 day per Wk (Sundays)
5. (PH sh) Fasting, +100 days per year
6. (PH bn) Mastered Daily Energy & Nutrients, 1400 calories (bf 100c, b 200c, ms 200c, l 400c, as 200c, d 400c), 9+24 Nutrients ( 4WB, 6C, 2P, 1F, VW (6f, 6v, 4ht, 2i, 6hsNS)
*7. (PH, be) Mastered Daily Exercise (+30 mins at 75bpm)
*8. (PH, br) Mastered Sleep, 8H (10am - 6am) 
9. (PH, bpc) Mastered Sleepwear  
10. (PH, mh)
11. (PH, eh) Top 3 Daily Emotions; Laughter
12. (PH, e-hms, hc) Mastered Home Cleaning, Daily Evening Dishes
13. (PH, e-hms,hc) Mastered Home Cleaning, Weekly Bathroom
14. (PH, e-hms,hc) Mastered Home Cleaning; Weekly Home Office, *Filing
15. (PH, e-hms,cl) Mastered Laundry Cleaning, Mthly Handwash
*16. (PH, e-hms,wm) Mastered Wk Meals; Pack Meals
17. (PH, e-hms,wm) Mastered Wk Meals; Prepare Meals

Mastered Meditation Hour
Hair Health; 10 Inches of pronounced curls, Strong, Soft & Shiny
Mastered Daily Energy & Nutrients, 1400 calories (bf 100c, b 200c, ms 200c, l 400c, as 200c, d 400c), 9+24 Nutrients ( 4WB, 6C, 2P, 1F, VW (6f, 6v, 4ht, 2i, 6hsNS)

Mastered Daily Exercise (+30 mins at 75bpm)

Mastered Sleep, 7H (9am - 4am)

Mastered Sleepwear

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