Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Basics on Building Friendships


...Friendship Defined...
Friendship defined; A person whom one knows and has a bond of mutual affection.

...The Why of Friendship...
• To enjoy life together
• To share commonality and magnify life experiences
• An increases sense of belonging, self worth and happiness
• Someone to help us cope with difficulties
• Good friends are good for your health.
• Celebrate good time
• Provide support during bad times
• Companionship and Prevent loneliness

...The How of Friendship...
1. Meet
Meet, Find,  
Meeting people, Spend time around people, circles of interest, groups, etc
Church, Social Networks etc  
2. Join an organisation or club with people with same interests
3. Join a sports team, gym
4. Volunteer. Working together builds bonds. Church, museum, hospital etc
5. Talk to people.  Communication Skills
6. Make eye contact and smile
7. Start a conversation
8. Make small talk
9. Initiate a get together
10. Playgrounds and Parks
Attend social gathering and events
Community events
Some people benefit from large network, other smaller. Also different types, some you reach out for more deeply personal, others you hang out with for events. Quality is more important than quantity.

2. Get to know
1. Spend more time around people.
When others were talking, i wasnt thinking about what they were saying, i was reloading, getting ready to tell them all about myself. and it dawned on me why i had so few freinds, i wasnt being a friend...
You accomplish a great deal by showing sincere interest in what the other is saying.
When others are talking do you find interest in what they are saying or cant you wait to jump in and dominate the conversation. ... i realised that i had always been talking about myself, all the time. Conversations with them were really nothing than opportunities to talk about what i was doing, what i thought about a subject.  I wasnt interested in what was happening to others and what they thought at all. So i made up my mind to chane. I made my mind to be sincerely interested in others.  

3. Build Bond
Talk to, Hang out with, play games with, listen, etc.
Commonality to share and magnify experiences, differences to learn from. 
Give and take. Sometimes you are supporting, sometimes you are being supported.
Let them know you are care and appreciate them. Be a good friend but also surround yourself with good friends.
Go easy, dont overwhlem with texts etc

Dont compete over who makes more money or nicest home
Create a healthy character
Adopt positive outlook. Find humor in the little things. Humor is appealing and infectious. Vanity, self critism and contsnt complaining is a potentail turn off and puts strains of friendship. Talk to friends how you can change the parts of your life that make you unhappy.
Listen. Ask about whats going on in your friendss lives. Dont just talk about yourself. Try not to give advise and unless they ask for it.
Give your friends space to grow and change and make mistakes. Encourage them to freely express their emotions.
Keeps confirdental and personal information shared.
Build friends or reconnect with new ones.

Friends may grow apart due to life changes and interests
Moved to new community and havent yet found a way to meet new people
Takes effort. Well worth the investment in enjoyment and comfort.

• Website; http://www.wikihow.com/Make-Friends.
• Website; http://tanyajpeterson.com/connections-matter/
Webiste, http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/friendships/MH00125


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