Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Do`s & Dont`s of Fasting

• Drink plenty water during fast, preferably distilled. Body needs water as during fast it goes into major cleansing mode. Water is a must after Day 3 as body could go into serious complications.
• For a 100 Fold Blessing, combine Fasting with Prayer & Giving. Individually you get a 30 fold blessings :) :)
• *Corporate Fasts - The power of fasting in numbers is just incredible. On top of your own breakthroughs, you get some of the breakthroughs of the group. If I have a breakthrough in my finances, everyone gets financial breakthroughs too :) :).
• A bit of light exercise is recommended during fast to keep muscles from going into lockdown. some light walking, going up & down stairs etc.
• Break Fast correctly. No protein is eaten as follows
3 day fast - after 1 complete day i.e. eaten on the 5th day,
7 day fast - after 2 complete days i.e. eaten on the 10th day.
21 day fast - after 7 complete days i.e. eaten on the 28th day.
• Break Fast with a communion. Pray over a small piece of bread (or any wheat based food) & a little water & eat before having your food on the last day of your fast. 

• During fast Anoint face & head with anointed oil in Faith seeking Gods Grace to endure & overcome temptations.
• Stay Connected to the group to encourage you especially if you just starting. Some days can get tough from the food withdrawal & temptations & you will need some inspiration & prayer support.
• Send Fasting Requests to Corporate Fasting Peers.
• Your spirit is so sensitive to God at this time, so use this time as a special time to connect with God. Focus on doing Godly things, Spend as much time as you can in Prayer & Meditating on the word, listening to audios, writing spiritual books etc.
• Schedule Contribution Time during Fast
• Join Corporate Prayer times during Fast
• Make sure phone credit is topped up for texts & “emergency” calls to Peers. When you feel the need to eat, call. 

Make the time to start your day with Prayer. Prayer is the food that WILL sustain you through the fast

•Don’t eat protein immediately after fast. Instead eat Fruits, Vegetables, Carbohydrates & Fibre rich foods. Proteins can be eaten after the following no. of days:
3 day fast - after 1 complete day i.e. eaten on the 5th day,
7 day fast - after 2 complete days i.e. eaten on the 10th day.
21 day fast - after 7 complete days i.e. eaten on the 28th day.
*The stomach shuts down during long fasts so it is important to break fast correctly to allow stomach to re-adjust. This is very very important as it cause serious stomach pains & illness, even death. Death has been known to happen when a fast is incorrectly broken.
Don’t parade your Fast. Wash your face & head (i.e. Don’t look hungry) & maintain your normal day to day routine. If not already practicing, Practice good deeds, avoid arguing, share with those in need, etc
• Avoid anythings that corrupt your spirit e.g. Secular movies & music
• Fasting is highest devotion & submission to God denying one's needs at highest level. Sex is among needs to be avoided. 
• Don’t stop your fast; on day 2 of a 3 day fast, on day 4 or 5 or 6 of a 7 day fast, not very good biblical no`s esp. Day 6. When doing a 21 day fast, see how you feel & make decisions to continue that fast at days 7 & 14.
• Fasts over 40 days have been done by some people but there is no recording of them in the bible. They can be harmful to the Body & Health. There is no recording of a woman who did a 40 day fast in the bible. 40 day fast might not be good for women due to their biological make-up.
• Do No Fasts for a month after a 7 or more Day fast. This allows the body to readjust. It’s recommended doing some exercise to regain lost muscle tone. A one day fast here or there in the month may not be too much of a drain, however it’s not recommended.
7 days or longer without food on the body is a huge drain. It’s great body cleansing regimen while at the same time it’s starving the body of vital nutrients. During starvation period it slowly uses up the reserves stored within, eating away muscle and tissue, particularly in the legs. Thus after the fast one’s body is clean from toxins but with reduced strength, almost to old-age level. To regain strength lost during fast through exercising after fast to rebuilding the muscle. And exercise needs good nutrition and eating during rest times in order to nourish the overworked body. Fasting in between can interrupt the rebuilding process.

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