Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Laci`s Goals Management System (Create your Vision Board)

• READ BOOK; Laci's Goals Management System

..,About a Vision Board...
“According to your Faith, Let it be done unto you.” Matthew 9:29Define, Clarity and Align with what you really want. 

A Vision Board is a collage of words and images that help you visualize your dreams and goals. Constant visualization helps stimulate and reprogram your subconscious mind to move towards making your goals a reality. 

Spiritually translated, a vision is a divine communication, meaning, direction from God. The Lord says write down the Vision and make it plain. Habakkuk 2:3 continues on to say, “Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it, it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.” 

*L.A.C.I.M has taken Vision Boards to the next level with the VISION MOVIE; Bring your Vision Board to Life. *See Sample Movie at the Ministry’s YouTube Channel.

..,Create your Vision Board...
• A plain Wall
• A Poster
• Pictures of your Desires

• Collect images of goals, incl; life goals, year goals, prayer goals etc
e.g. pictures of places how you will look at the end of the year after you reached your ideal weight etc
• Collect images of who you want to be
e.g. pictures of An Empowering BUSINESS WOMAN ; a VIRTUOUS WIFE et cetera
Collect images what you want to do
e.g. pictures of places you want to TRAVEL to; pictures representing Being Full Time MUMMY
Collect images of what you want to have
e.g. pictures representing FINANCIAL FREEDOM, A LOVELY HOME in the Surburbs et cetera

Affirmation Words and Statements
To each Picture, attach Affirmation Words and Statements asserting desire, written in future tense, as if already realised, e.g. I am SUCCESSFUL, I weigh 122pounds et cetera. 
*Picture & Word combination creates an emotional connection which is the momentum juice needed to achieve goals.

• Attach Dates to Visions
Attach Dates to Visions, e.g. Financial Freedom, DEC 2012.

• Daily Meditating
Spend 15 Minutes Daily Meditating on visions.
Place Poster where you can see it everyday.

*With God’s Will been revealed as we go, our desires are constantly changing, BE FLEXIBLE!

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