Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter is not about Easter Eggs & Time off Work!

* Also See Artciles; Celebrating The Passover Meal, I don't really care about Eternal Life, &  Keeping Christ in Christmas

...What is Easter...
Easter is celebrated as a salute of spring, a marking of re-birth. The secular world celebrates Easter in memory of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eastre (Easter), the goddess of Spring. As Christians, we celebrate Easter as a time to remember, and show respect for, the death and resurrection of Christ. Good Friday is celebrated as the day Christ died and Easter Sunday as the day of his resurrection.

Easter is not just about Easter eggs and a time off work but most importantly a time to reflect and be grateful for the RANSOM.  When Adam and Eve sinned, they brought sin and death upon Earth. In order for God to free mankind, a ransom was to be paid; a price of equal value; the value of a perfect son, Adam, lost, was paid with the value of a perfect son, Jesus, sacrificed.

God loved us so much that he sent his only son, Jesus, to die for us and pay the price that freed us from sin and death.  Easter is a time to celebrate, to be joyful and thankful for that beautiful gift, Jesus, that God gave us. To acknowledge and be grateful for his sacrifice that freed us from the bondage of sin that was passed onto us from our fore-parents. To mark a re-birth of life, the old dead life of sin, to the new everlasting life promised to mankind by God.

Happy Easter Brothers and Sisters and always, Glory be God.

...5 Reasons to Celebrate Easter...
• The death of Jesus freed us from sin
By his blood, our sins are forgiven. In the meantime, although we still sin, we now have access to asking God for his forgiveness and being forgiven (contrary to seeking forgiveness from our sins by offering animal sacrifices as they did before Christs death). We now have the Holy Spirit in us that helps us overcome the sin, so we are no longer in bondage.

The death of Jesus is hope of reunion with our lost loved ones
A time to honor Gods power as he resurrected Jesus on the third day. His power to bring the dead back to life as he shall those loved ones we have lost. And when that time comes, death shall be no more! A time when the earth shall be restored to its original purpose! That who so ever exercises faith in him, will have eternal life. And we will finally experience a paradise earth, a gift that was rightfully for us, his children.
The death of Jesus freed us from death and gave us an everlasting life 
When the time comes and Satan's rule comes to an end in this world, we will be able to live here on a Paradise Earth as perfect humans once again, free of sin, sickness, old age and death. 

The death of Jesus gave us a personal relationship with God
We can now also have a personal relationship with God (contrary to having elders in the churches be our access to God).  And soon, God will come and destroy the enemy, death, once and for all! And we can once again have and experience that eternal beautiful life on earth that God purposed for us, his children. 
The death of Jesus serves as a testimony of the love God has for us 
God loved us so much that he sent his only son to die for us that our sins may be forgiven and that the curse of death may be removed and we may have eternal life.  This means, we can once again live forever.

...3 Ways to Celebrate Easter...  
Today on Easter Sunday, many children wake up to find that the *Easter bunny has left them baskets of candy. He has hidden the eggs they decorated earlier that week. Children hunt for the eggs all around the house. Neighborhoods are involved in the celebration by holding Easter egg hunts and the child who finds the most eggs wins a prize.
*Romans believed that all life came from an egg. In that era, rabbits were a symbol of fertility, so naturally, the Easter Bunny rabbit became a symbol for the holiday.

For us Christians, like Christmas, Easter is really a time about Christ, so we celebrate with activities that focus on Christ such as; 
Attending Easter Church Service
The Church often has Easter plays, conferences and services throughout this holiday time.

Getting together with family and friends for a Special Easter Meal & Show
Invite friends over for a meal.  If you have children, make it fun by cooking the meals together. Entertain your guests and teach your children about Easter by presenting a play about the death and resurrection of Christ. Have other fun activities such as christian games, etc.

• Invite family and friends over to watch a Christian Movie
Enjoy and reflect on movies that show the life, death and resurrection of Christ, such as the passion of Christ and The Bible Series Movies.

• website, The Origins of Easter Celebrations,


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