Wednesday, March 2, 2011

L.A.C.I. Launches YouTube

A Vision Board is a collage of words & images that help you visualise your dreams & goals. Constant visualisation helps stimulate & reprogram your subconscious mind to move towards making your goals a reality. (Goals are not be confused with Visions.  Your Goals will flow out of your Vision.)

L.A.C.I.M has taken Vision Boards to the next level with the VISION MOVIE; Bring your Vision Board to Life *See Sample Movie at the Ministry’s YouTube Channel.

Spiritually translated, a vision is a divine communication, meaning, direction from God. The Lord did say write down the Vision & make it plain. Habakkuk 2:3 continues on to say, “Put it in writing, because it is not yet time for it come true. But the time is coming quickly, and what I show you will come true. It may seem slow in coming, but wait for it, it will certainly take place, and it will not be delayed.”

Create your Vision Board
You will need; a Poster & Pictures of your Desires;
Who you want to be, e.g. pictures of An Empowering BUSINESS WOMAN ; a VIRTUOUS WIFE et cetera
What you want to do, e.g. pictures of places you want to TRAVEL to; pictures representing Being Full Time MUMMY
What you want to have, e.g. pictures representing FINANCIAL FREEDOM, A LOVELY HOME in the Surburbs et cetera
Define, Clarity & Align with what you really want. “According to your Faith, Let it be done unto you.” Matthew 9:29

3 Tips on getting the most from your Vision Board
•To each Picture, attach Affirmation Words & Statements asserting desire, written in future tense, as if already realised, e.g. I am SUCCESSFUL, I weigh 122pounds et cetera.
*Picture & Word combination creates an emotional connection which is the momentum juice needed to achieve goals.
•Attach Dates to Visions, e.g. Financial Freedom, DEC 2012.
•Spend 15 Minutes Daily Meditating on visions. (Place Poster where you can see it everyday)
*With God’s Will been revealed as we go, our desires are constantly changing, BE FLEXIBLE! 

Turn your Vision Board into a Movie
and have access to it from where ever you are. Imagine Constantly replaying your Vision Board on your laptop, iphone or ipad…Bring your Vision Board to Life, Sample Movie at the Ministry’s Channel.

Subscribe to LACI Ministry YouTube Channel & stay connected with future Vlogs & Movies. Season Episodes expected to Launch in 2011 include; VHE Recipes; “Lets Talk about L.O.V” & “How Can I Empower Women – Live in Africa”, Plus More!

Subscribe to L.A.C.I. Ministry YouTube by Friday Mar 4th 2011 & get a FREE SESSION to Launch Social Media for your Business

“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.” Proverbs 29:18.

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